Who Am I?

Who Am I?

A question we’ve all asked ourselves.  

An answer we are all looking for.

That’s me over there, just a starry-eyed baby….

We all started that way, as babies and kids, adults telling us who we are, who we could be, and too often who we Should be.  The older we get, the more autonomy we have to answer this eternal question, but how many of us truly know our authentic self?  The journey to knowing — and becoming — our most authentic selves is an ever evolving, adaptive unfolding.  

Whether you are here to answer this question — Who Am I —  as a professional, a parent, a peer, or as a pathway to find yourself, I would be honored to walk alongside you as a guide, mentor, therapist, or colleague.

But really…

Who Am I and How did I get HERE?

My name is Sara and I am a relational human being, ever changing, growing and adapting to my circumstances.  At root, I am grounded in my values, while on the surface I allow the world to sway and challenge me, always striving to find my true place.

Because I think identity is an important component in forming a trusting relationship, I openly share some static identities that I know to be true.  I am a white, queer, gender neutral cis female.  I have lived experience with depression, am a late-awakening neuro-diverse individual, and manage a chronic autoimmune disorder.  I learned early in life that being in nature was a refuge from the noise and confusion of the world, and that inexplicably, I am bound to all things outside of myself: human, nature.

My journey to Social Work was both unexpected and completely natural.  From camp counselor at the summer camp that quite literally saved my life, to wilderness trips with teens whose lives were changed, I moved to Oregon because I fell in love with the Pacific Northwest.  I received a BA in Philosophy (University of Oregon, 1996), intrigued by the ways that human nature was conceptualized throughout history.  After spending some years meandering the world gaining insight on my own human nature, I moved to urban Portland in 1999, right before the world was going to end (Y2K anyone?).  Well, it didn’t end then, and so I found meaning through trying to ease the lives of struggling youth.  Seeing the heartbreaking impacts of systems meant to improve, but far too often further traumatizing individuals was a driving factor to get my MSW (Portland State, 2009) and license for clinical work (LCSW, 2014).  

Since that time I have worked with a variety of groups and individuals, done my own work and grown as a person and a professional, and honed my approach and framework for practice.  And, I am still a work in progress.

Outside of smashing the patriarchy and denouncing capitalism, I’m just another weirdo trying to get by in the world and practice showing up as my most authentic self in as many ways as I can.  

Miley the Therapy Dog

As a certified Pet Partner to provide animal assisted interventions (AAI), Miley can be a part of any of my services, if desired and when appropriate.  

Miley LOVES people, will sit and let you pet her, attempt to give you kisses, and do a lot more if you have treats.  She is an active dog and does best as a companion for outdoor services when she can move her body.  

Click below to learn more about the importance of connecting with animals, and how Miley can be a part of our work together below (coming soon).

Human, Nature, & Where We Belong

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