Clinical Supervision for Licensure

Providing clinical supervision to graduates of Masters Level Social Work and Professional Counseling

See below for more information on Professional Consultation and Coaching Services

Clinical Supervision:

Am I Right for YOU?

Becoming a Licensed Professional takes time, dedication, and a commitment to growth.  Choosing the right supervisor to support you through this journey can make a big difference.  It’s important to me that we both find success and challenge within the supervisory relationship.  My goal is to support your growth and development as a clinician with your own goals, while maintaining the standards and requirements of the licensing board.

{ Theoretic Framework }

My professional experience includes working in community crisis intervention, youth in foster care, treatment, and school systems, and (currently) individual therapy with teens, young adults and people of all ages experiencing complex trauma, SPMI, suicidality, and the basic difficulties of living in this strange, tumultuous world.  I approach my work from a place of humility, honesty, and exploration, and I try to infuse lightness and compassion into all the work I do.   We have major issues in our society, and individuals are struggling in a multitude of ways.  For me, being witness to and holding the challenges that others experience is an honor and a privilege, but it is also a weight to bare. I require a little lightness and humor to be woven into this work in order to manage vicarious trauma and sustain balance.

I have a keen understanding and scrutiny of the interplay within and between systems, and the importance of seeing and addressing power and control within hierarchies from the most micro systems (ourselves) to macro systems (institutions and society).

I am fiercely committed to anti-racist, anti-oppressive, liberation-oriented practice rooted from an understanding that we have all been socialized in a system that inherently disempowers anything outside of the dominant white patriarchal paradigm.  In that, we all have underlying biases that need to be explored and examined.  I strive to be a safe person to do that with, so that you can enact social justice from a rooted foundation.

I believe that empowering people to address and overcome the systemic challenges they are faced with is a monumental task — a worthy one nonetheless.  Helping people access the authority to live in practice of their most authentic self is a foundational approach to creating a more just world.

{ Clinical Approach }

I am a Social Worker.  I approach work from an existential and humanistic lens, within a relational-cultural  framework, always with the mindset of a trauma informed approach.  I hold a core belief that we can only do good work with others if we are willing to show up as humans, with curiosity, compassion, and a genuine desire to connect with those we work with.  Growth and healing happens in the context of relationship.  Models I utilize and draw from include Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Compassionate Inquiry, Buddhist Psychology, Non-Violent Communication, Crisis Intervention, and Solution Focused Therapy.  However, I do not consider myself an “expert” in anything, as I believe the complexity of the problems people face externally and hold internally deserve an eclectic response.  See the list below for a better idea of the breadth of professional interests and practices.

I value the struggle of exploring ethical dilemmas, personal and professional boundaries, counter-transference, and the dynamic nature of being a part of the helping profession in a system which tends to reinforce the status quo.   The environments we work within are rife with vicarious trauma and unreasonable expectations.  Expanding one’s practice of self care and community care are essential for sustainability in this field.

{ My Identity }

I identify as part of the gender-queer community and work from an inclusive foundation for queer, trans, non binary and gender diverse individuals, and have firsthand experience of neuro-divergence, which (globally) I see as a largely underestimated and necessary strength.  I live with the challenges of living with chronic auto-immune dis-ease.  Socialized as a white cis female, I commit to actively working to dismantle the socialization I was raised with to promote social justice values, decolonize our profession, dismantle white supremacist ideas, and explore my own privilege.  See also About Me.

{ My Values as a Supervisor, i.e. what to expect from me }

~To provide materials, readings, research, exercises, meditations that spark your growth.

~Clear and honest feedback, thoughtful collaboration, being fully present for each of our sessions.

~I don’t and won’t have all the answers, but will research topics that interest you to develop and grow together.

~I will complete any Board required documentation promptly, and maintain my own eligibility as a supervisor via training and certification.  I engage in consultation and collaboration with colleagues.

~My cancellation policies/fees also apply to me if I were to cancel without notice (as credit to your future sessions)

Individual Supervision Sessions are $100 per hour

Group Supervision is $40

“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”

Edmund Lee

Professional Consultation & Coaching

Offering consultation, mentorship, exploration, & problem solving for colleagues, professionals, parents/caregivers, & those seeking coaching services with a therapeutic lens.  Reach out for help and support to expand your perspective, consider new approaches, or to find resources.

Whether you are a professional therapist or social worker, work in schools or mental health, or are a parent, caregiver, or family member — asking for assistance along your journey is not only courageous, it is the responsible thing to do.

Here are a few areas of interest which inform my practice:

Neuro-diversity & atypicality (Attention/ADHD, Autism, High Sensitivity Profile, Information Processing, Creativity)

Gender Expansiveness (Trans* & Non-Binary Experiences, Gender Fluidity/Diversity, Exploration)

Trauma (What is T/trauma, How it Exists in our Bodies and Brains, Trauma Pathways, Trauma Healing)

Living with Persistent Conditions of the Mind/Body (Dis-ease, Dysphoria, Functional Impairment)

Buddhist Psychology, Mindfulness, Radical Acceptance

Understanding Privilege (Being White in a White Supremacist Culture, Decolonizing Social Work)

Workplace Issues (Moral Injury, Vicarious/Secondary Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout)

Become a Radical Social Worker

Human, Nature, & Where We Belong

Check out Instagram for the fun stuff, LinkedIn for the serious stuff, or just email me.

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